The Alexandrian Community, as an apostolic religious society, is led by three bishops presiding, duly ordained and validly consecrated in the historic apostolic succession of the church universal. Endeavoring to embody the the Trinitarian ideal of "three who work as one," our bishops presiding respectively fulfill the complementary roles of Abbot, Prior, and Provost in relation to the day-to-day administration of our Community.
The Most Rev. David Oliver Kling, Abbot
Bishop David Oliver Kling serves as the founding Abbot of our Community. Ordained in 2004, Oliver holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in both Philosophy and Religious Studies from Wright State University, and a Master of Divinity (M.Div) from the Methodist Theological School in Ohio, where he is currently a candidate for the Doctor of Ministry degree.
Oliver completed his Clinical Pastoral Education residency at St. Mary's Medical Center in Huntington West Virginia, and served as a professional healthcare chaplain for twelve years. Beyond this, Oliver has served as a Director of Religious Education and as a Consulting Minister for two different Unitarian Universalist congregations. He is currently the settled pastor of St. John's United Church of Christ in Massillon, Ohio.
Oliver is the host of the Sacramental Whine: An Independent Sacramental Movement Podcast, and addition to his regular ministerial duties, he teaches medical ethics at a college in Canton, Ohio, and serves as a chaplain (lieutenant) in the Ohio Navy.
The Most Rev. Joshua R. Paszkiewicz, Prior
Bishop Joshua serves as the Prior of our Community. A man of many hats, Joshua holds numerous degrees, spanning the fields of liberal arts, religious studies, and healthcare broadly. Joshua is credentialed as a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC), as a Registered Nurse (RN), as a Board Certified Chaplain (BCC), and as a Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisor (Dipl./CPES).
Ordained in 2016, Bishop Joshua holds a Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) from Graceland University, a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) from the Graduate Institute of the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy, and a Doctor of Healthcare Administration (D.H.A.) from the Virginia University of Lynchburg. Joshua completed an extended residency in Clinical Pastoral Education at the University of Kansas Hospital in Kansas City, and has served in several posts in congregational ministry, from senior clergy to membership coordinator, in addition to garnering extensive experiences in religious non-profit administration. Beyond the confines of his Christian formation, Joshua has also trained extensively in the Zen Buddhist tradition, where he has been recognized as a Zen Master and lineage holder.
Joshua is currently the Director of Health Services for a Catholic University in Kansas City and an Assistant Professor of Counseling at a historically Baptist Seminary. He is the author of several books on contemplative spirituality, which have been translated and published internationally in Dutch, German, Romanian, and Spanish. He is a frequent blogger and can we found online at
The Most Rev. Peter-Michael Preble, Provost
Bishop Peter serves our Community as Provost. Peter received his undergraduate degrees from Eastern Nazarene College in Quincy Massachusetts, before earning his Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.) degree from the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline Massachusetts. He further completed doctoral studies at the American International University in Indiana, concentrating on Pastoral Psychology.
Originally ordained in 2004 as a Romanian Orthodox Priest in the Archdiocese in the America, Bishop Peter served an orthodox parish in Southbridge Massachusetts for twelve years. He has been credentialed as an Ordained Minister by the Pilgrim Association of the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ since 2016, where he served as association Moderator from 2019-2021. Peter has served as interim minister in three UCC congregations, and he currently serves as the Pastor of St. Nicholas United Methodist Church in Hull Massachusetts.
In addition to his parochial duties, Peter serves as a spiritual counselor in a drug and alcohol treatment program, as a Military Chaplain with the Massachusetts Organized Militia, as a Fire Department Chaplain with the Quincy Massachusetts Fire Department, and as Deputy Chief Chaplain with the Massachusetts Corps of Fire Chaplains. He is the National Chaplain for the Sons of Union Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, and has the honor of serving as Dean of the Royal College of Chaplains for the Royal House of Kamakahelei. Bishop Peter writes for his blog at and is active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.